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PaceMaker Estimator is for construction contractors and any service or product company. A new Linux/MsWindows version of PaceMaker Estimator is completed, March 11, 2024.
Free Download for Linux: PaceMakerEstimator2.tar.gz
Free Download for MsWindows coming soon.

The Qt Creator development tool was used for this project.

The required dynamic libraries are qt6-base. You must download those from your operating system provider. For example in one linux the terminal command is simply: pacman -S qt6-base

If you cannot get the qt6-base from your operating system provider then the second choice is to use the link above and select Custom, and download the Source (Src) and run commands to compile and install the library; eg. for linux: configure, make . and make install. You do not need QtCreator nor QtDesigner. You only need the Qt library.

Another company has used the name Estimate Maker, which was the original name since 1986. This software is for construction contractors to maintain cost/hours libraries for estimate inputs and write estimates, total them and print them, using those self-maintained cost library items. I will switch the name to PaceMaker Estimator for a distinction in internet search.

This version 2.0 will be limited to 231 item lines per estimate for fast performance on old and new computers.



I am resurrecting old links to my work: I am not recommending this software although I still use it for doing accounting summaries for capital gains annually. It is a very old GUI interface and I do not plan to updated the software. The Glade rapid development tool became a dead end when Linux changed the linux GTK library to version 3.



AI robotics, solar and refrigeration timer, and battery cut-off discharge limiter, sun tracker, MPPT boost controller solar charger. and copies will soon be posted here under a separate category, Electronic Circuits.

Videos about electromagnetic mathematics, birds, AI weeding robot, and telescope optics, are at the converged video site:

The AI robot for weeding was shelved for slowness of the optical computer processing which I wrote in C language starting at 2015. I was spraying with an ink jet printer, 60 feet of weeds in a lawn, 12 inches wide path, per hour. The recent breakthrough in AI and improved computer speeds, since I completed this in 2017, might make this project practical per the breakthrough at UofT Geoffrey Hinton and his team: Apparently is was in 2012 when they did feedback to improve the AI algorithm. I did not know about that idea in 2015.

The video shows successful proof of concept.
